PROLOGUE | Old Friend (6)

She ran miles before she found an early market, and fortunately she remember the surrounding even though years has passed.

The witch broke down into sobs because aside from what she's done she doesn't remember most of her past and why she came from a glass cylinder. As tears went down from her eyes, she at least remembered her name and she just found out earlier from cluttered newspaper that it was the year 2012.

But that wasn't enough, she thought. She needs to remember.

After checking the boat schedule, she slipped by undetected to the docks and took the boat to Sulani.

Luckily, She remembered where an old friend, a see witch, lived.

Natalia noticed another girl at the kitchen. She was cleaning the soot at corners and somehow she was struggling as if she was cleaning the same spot many times. Then she realized the girl was blind, and upon watching her more the girl, she thought, looked exactly like her.

This might be the last chance and only chance, she might be able to survive, she thought. So without a doubt she voiced her answer.


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